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Changes properties for a specific user group.


Optional parameters

The following parameters must be set:

id: user group ID (guid).

powertags: KEY=value, where KEY is the PowerTag's name and value is its value. Several PowerTags can be specified, separated by double colon "::". Examples:


o!CLIPBOARD=0::!CHROME=1::ENVVAR1=Hello world

Special values

The powertags parameter can include special values:

[CLEAR]: this special key completely clears existing PowerTags up to this point. For example "powertags=[CLEAR]::ENVVAR1=Hello world" will clear out all pre-existing PowerTags, setting ENVVAR1=Hello world as the unique PowerTag.

!TAG=[REMOVE]: this special value removes the associated PowerTag. For example "powertags=ENVVAR1=[REMOVE]" will causes PowerTag ENVVAR1 to be removed.

!TAG=[EXISTING]: this special value refers to the existing value. For example if PowerTag ENVVAR1 contained "ABC", then a call with "powertags=ENVVAR1=[EXISTING]DEF" will result in ENVVAR1 containg "ABCDEF".

Return codes

200: success.

400: invalid parameters.

403: authentication failed or insufficient permissions.

404: an item with this id does not exist.